You want just a mail,HTTP/HTTPS/SSH/RDP proxy,firewall running quickly!
Download our CD Images or virtual appliances, it will install for you full system with Artica.
Manual installation
If you want to format and install your own Debian system yourself, or use Artica on a VPS server, use the Artica installer to install the Artica system on your system. See the FAQ
Download ISOs
ISOs can be used to install Artica on a virtal machine such as Nutanix, KVM, Proxmox, VMWare... Or a physical computer using a DVD-ROM
HyperV appliance Generation 2 on 2019+
Appliances can be used to install Artica on a Microsoft Windows HyperV servers 2019+
See the Youtube Video for the importation procedure
Download XenServer appliances
Appliances can be used to install Artica on a Citrix XenServers 6.x or above